All Wood Types / Larch
Larch Wide Plank Flooring
100% Grown, Sawn, and Processed in Vermont
Take advantage of this rare opportunity to order from a limited quantity of European Larch flooring—grown, cut, and milled in Vermont—for your home or office. This wood comes from one of the oldest managed forests in the United States!
European Larch is a species native to the Alps and Caucasian mountains of Europe where it is widely used for flooring and outdoor structures given the relatively hard and naturally rot-resistant characteristics of the wood.
While Larch is hard for a softwood, it still scores below other hardwoods on the Janka scale. For a more durable option, try White Oak Flooring or Hickory Flooring.

What's the Story Behind this Vermont-grown Flooring?

In March 2018, Dylan Kidder (above left) from Long View Forest (company photo, above right) harvested European Larch trees from a family forest in Barnard, Vermont.
Dylan did this work using Scandinavian logging equipment and techniques called “Cut-to-Length”.
This is the modern equivalent of horse-logging with trees cut to short log lengths and brought out of the forest in the wagon of a low-impact Swedish-built machine called a forwarder.
The trees Dylan harvested were planted in the 1950s to reforest abandoned agricultural land. This was a common practice in New England (and around the United States) especially during the years of the Civilian Conservation Corps (1933 – 1942).
Growing up to 100' tall, Larch is an unusual conifer because, unlike its evergreen cousins, it drops its leaves (needles) each fall after turning bright yellow or gold.

Once Long View’s harvesting work was done, local trucker Murdo LImlaw hauled the logs to Gagnon Lumber in Pittsford, Vermont.
Ken Gagnon, who owns and operates this sawmill with his father Joe, then turned these logs into lumber for flooring, siding, and other building materials.
The best of the fresh-cut lumber then traveled south to Vermont Plank Flooring (that's our production crew to the right) in Brattleboro, Vermont to be milled and made into high-quality flooring.
Some of the finished flooring went into Long View’s new offices in Hartland, Vermont with plenty more available to anyone else interested in this all-Vermont flooring!

Would you like a wide plank Larch floor in your home?
Call 877.645.4317 to speak with one of our flooring specialists.
Or, simply request a sample or quote.